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3 Steps to Evaluating Your eLearning Course

by | May 29, 2014 | Tips & Tricks

You should never go unsure about the success of your eLearning course. Once your course is live, evaluate and then implement any necessary changes! Perhaps you haven’t quite finished your course development yet, that’s ok! You can always evaluate your course before it is live.

Course evaluation allows you to assess how effective your eLearning course is, how it is benefiting your organization and what changes need to be made. These are 3 steps to evaluate your online course, whether you are already live or still in the development stages.
DigitalChalk: 3 Steps to Evaluating Your eLearning Course

1. Test

User testing is essential to creating a successful eLearning course. By doing this, you can easily prevent and resolve many issues before the course is live. Remember, the earlier in the development phase that you do testing, the more likely you are to avoid redoing your course after you’ve spent days creating it.

Not only should you do the user testing, but you should also include a post-evaluation for your students. Record the progress of your students through this evaluation and make any changes to the course content necessary.

2. Survey

In addition to a course evaluation, include a survey at the end of your eLearning course. A survey is a great way to ask your student’s about their opinions on the course experience. You can ask direct questions and gain valuable feedback by doing this.

3. Track

Tracking and recording your student activity is very important in gaining a better understanding of your eLearning course success. Many online training platforms have helpful tools in accessing this data. Review it and make any necessary course changes.

With these 3 simple steps, you are able to fully evaluate your online course and it’s success. Remember, be constantly evaluating your course and make regular updates. Your students will appreciate your effort in creating an up-to-date and successful online course.

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