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Why Do You Need A Learning Management System?

by | May 26, 2014 | Tips & Tricks

A learning management system is a robust software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of eLearning education courses or online training programs. LMSs can range from systems for managing training and educational records to software for delivering online or hybrid college courses.

Why Do You Need A Learning Management System? | DigitalChalk

Choosing a learning management system can be costly and time-consuming for many businesses and professionals. These are a few common organization requirements when seeking an LMS.

  • Administration – The ability to easily manage and administer the learning function including classroom, enrollments, course catalog, instructors, and more.
  • Facilitating Learning – You must be able to facilitate, manage, and build all eLearning programs and courses.
  • Company-Wide Solution – The LMS can be used throughout the entire company, rather than only for the learning/training department.
  • Anywhere 24/7 Access – Most LMSs are web or cloud-based applications that allow you to access your eLearning and training courses anywhere, anytime.

While most learning management systems can accomplish all of these organization requirements, there are a few additional features and advantages that can determine whether or not your organization needs an LMS.

Consistency of Training.

Training and course delivery via an LMS is consistent since it is centralized. It delivers a consistent training and learning quality to all employees by supplying a single source for content, course materials and instructions.

Tracking and Reporting.

LMSs allow the company or organization to easily generate training reports on an overall or user/student level basis. By utilizing an LMS for your eLearning courses and/or online training, you can easily track goal progress, knowledge gains, ROI, and more.

Meet Regulatory Compliance.

Many industries may be required to train, assess, and report for compliance purposes. Just a few of these industries are Oil and gas industries, Pharmaceuticals, Communications, and Building and construction. If you are within one of these industries, an LMS can help you satisfy these legal and regulatory requirements.

Cost Savings

Training and teaching via an LMS reduces employee travel, optimizes training expenditure and usage, and minimizes facilities and instructors to pay. From the cost savings aspect, an LMS is a no-brainer.

Generally, learning management systems have many more capabilities than these listed. However, these are the most popular selling points and the top identifiers to whether or not you and your organization can benefit from an LMS.

Are there more key factors that you find to be most important? What other features or requirements influence you to become an LMS user? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!Q

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