The learning curve blog

Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs

New Feature! Log In Using Social Media Sites

by | Feb 16, 2015 | Announcements

DigitalChalk has released a brand new feature that gives your students an easy way to sign in (easier than logging in with an email and password).

With this new feature, you can allow students to log in by simply connecting Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ to your organization.

How does the instructor set it up?

We’ve created a great walk-through for you on our developer’s site (don’t let that scare you, you don’t need to be a developer to do this).

    • Check out how to connect to Twitter here.
    • Check out how to connect to Facebook here.
    • Check out how to connect to LinkedIn here.
  • Check out how to connect to Google+ here.
What does the student have to do?

The student can click on one of the social media icons on the login screen (after you have set it up) and connect their social media profile to your organization on the DigitalChalk platform. Once they’ve connected, they can click on that same icon and they will automatically be logged into the system (no more having to enter in their email and password if they don’t want to). The only requirement for the student is that they have to have an account on any of those social media sites in order for it to connect.

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