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5 Ways to Share Your PowerPoint Presentation Online

by | Feb 12, 2015 | Tips & Tricks

“Could I have a copy of your slides?” It’s a common question after you have finished your presentation and received the applause. You may just hand the file to the event sponsor to share with the crowd. However, most people will never get back to your slides – not because they were uninterested, but because it is too inconvenient. Is there a more effective way to share a presentation?

Yes there is—in fact, there are several. You can share your hard work, and not only with interested listeners after a presentation, but also with a larger audience you have never met. How many more people all over the world would benefit from the material you have put together? If you share your PowerPoint online, those viewers can find it.

Here are five of the best ways to share a PowerPoint presentation online. Each has its own advantages, so find the method that works best for your current situation.

5 Ways to Share Your PowerPoint Presentation Online by iSpring | DigitalChalk

1. Let others download your original file

Of course, one method is to simply upload your PowerPoint to Google Drive or DropBox and give the link to a friend. For sharing with just a few people and with viewers, you know personally, this can be the best option.


  • If the user does not have PowerPoint, your content will be inaccessible.
  • If the user has an older version of PowerPoint, important features may be lost.
  • This method has the greatest security risk – if the wrong people get access to the file, they can copy, modify, and distribute it overnight.

To safely share your content with a larger number of viewers, consider one of the other options described below.

2. Upload your presentation to a hosting service

Today, services such as iSpring Cloud (soon to be released), SlideShare, SlideBoom, and many others will host your slides on the web.


  • Your file can’t be copied or stolen, so you can share it with the world without losing security.
  • You can upload PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote and OpenDocument.
  • Your slides can also be viewed on mobile devices.
  • You can share your slides in many ways: a direct link, an embed code, or an invitation.
  • Some services have features that let you monitor your presentations and solicit feedback from viewers.

A word of caution: depending on the service, you may lose animations and effects.

3. Turn your presentation into a video

This is a fantastic option if you want to reach the widest audience possible. Custom converters like SlideAlloy, Movavi, Wondershare and others will enable you to turn your PowerPoint into a video (Most of these tools function as add-ins in PowerPoint, giving you an extra tab when you open the program). Click the “Publish” button, and your video will go straight to YouTube.


  • YouTube comes on nearly every web-browsing device, making your video accessible in many ways.
  • You can receive views, comments, likes, and shares.
  • It’s easy to share the video on any number of sites just by providing a link.
  • You can also publicize the video on all forms of social media.
  • Videos are better than slides in many contexts, such as explanations or tutorials.
4. Convert your file to HTML5 or Flash

You can also convert your file to a more flexible format such as HTML5 or Flash. While a quick google search will reveal many free online conversion services, the quality they will produce is questionable at best.


  • Using a universal format can be more convenient for your audience.
  • HTML5+Flash can also be downloaded on all devices and in all browsers.
  • More ways to distribute content online.

You then can do whatever you want with the converted file: embed it on any website, or upload it to your favorite hosting provider to experience all the advantages described in point # 1.

5. Upload your presentation to an LMS

An LMS, or Learning Management System, such as DigitalChalk, is a great option for anyone whose work is related to education. These systems deliver training programs and online classes.


  • LMSs often have features for feedback and collaboration.
  • Statistics on user activity, such as completion of tests and tasks, are always provided.
  • Viewers need an account to access the LMS, helping keep your material secure.
  • Some businesses have picked up on the advantages and started to use LMSs for registering or training employees.

New technological solutions are developing all the time, but here are 5 of the best ways available today to share your slide decks with a larger audience while remaining in control.

Stay tuned for more tips to make technology work for you.

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Written by: Elizabeth Studenroth
Elizabeth Studenroth has been writing for iSpring for almost a year now. She manages to successfully combine writing about e-Learning with actually teaching people at a community college. Being inspired by both learning and teaching, she is really passionate about both of her jobs. We believe it’s that passion that helps her get down to the bottom of any topic.

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