The learning curve blog

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How to Set a Thumbnail Image for Your Chalkboard Video

by | Jun 22, 2015 | Tips & Tricks

Did you know that you have the ability to choose what thumbnail image is shown for your chalkboard? If not, we’re going to walk you through the steps.

  1. Go to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab and click on the course title (click here if you need a guide to creating a course).
  2. Click ‘Manage Course Elements’ to see a list of the elements in the course.
  3. Click on the chalkboard and select ‘Edit Chalkboard’ (if the chalkboard has been activated you will need to select ‘Edit the live version’).
  4. Select ‘Manage Media’ and upload your video file – if you already have a file uploaded click on the image. To the right you should now see a small screen where you can preview the video, add it to the timeline, and a ‘Choose Thumbnail’ button.
  5. Select the thumbnail image you would like to students to see and you’re good to go!

DigitalChalk: How to Set a Thumbnail Image for Your Chalkboard Video

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