The learning curve blog

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8 eCommerce Marketing Tools to Increase Your Course Sales

by | Jun 25, 2015 | Marketing

A learning management system (LMS) can be used several different ways, depending on what your needs are. One of the common uses is for eCommerce sales. That means you have online courses that are hosted within the LMS platform and then sold to customers. Your customers may take your online course to get certified in a particular subject or just as a hobby. Regardless, you, as the instructor and business, need to sell those courses online in order to be successful.

So, how can you increase your course sales? Marketing. With marketing your online courses, you can draw more traffic to your site, better communicate with potential (and current) customers, and ultimately become more successful.

We’ve created a list of 8 eCommerce marketing tools to increase your course sales. Did we miss a tool? Please share with us in the comments below and let us know what you think.

DigitalChalk: 8 eCommerce Marketing Tools to Increase Your Course Sales

1. Google Analytics

If you have a website, you need to have Google Analytics. This is one of the most important tools you can have in your business. There are many benefits of having Analytics on your website; you can track web visitors, demographics, clicks, conversion funnels, and much more. Google Analytics is an extremely powerful tool and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Luckily, there are many online resources to help you get started.

2. Google Adwords

One way to attract traffic to your website is through Google Adwords. Adwords is a tool that allows you to bid on keywords and phrases that your potential customers are searching for. By using search ads or display ads (or both), you can really dig deep and target those precise customers, as well as track the conversions.

3. Keyword Planner

Going along with Google Adwords, the Google Keyword Planner is an easy-to-use tool for finding key search terms for your business and industry. As a business, it is a must for knowing your target market and competitors. You can do that by searching potential keywords within the Keyword Planner and finding which ones perform better than others.

4. Mad Mimi

After you have potential customers (aka leads), then you can begin communicating and nurturing them. You can do this through email campaigns. Mad Mimi is a great email marketing tool that we love! Easily create and import audience lists and begin marketing to them right away, while tracking your overall performance. Be sure to check out this list of other email marketing providers as well.

5. Infusionsoft

Once you have your customers, it is important to have a system, like a CRM, that stores all their contact and billing information. InfusionSoft is a CRM that specializes in small- and medium-sized businesses and allows for plenty of customization to fit your needs. Plus, they can also do your email marketing within the same system.

6. Social Media

Social media marketing should be one of your highest marketing priorities; after all, it is free marketing and advertising to your customers and potential leads. This includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. All of these platforms allow you to create a profile and share content with your followers. Put yourself out there and engage with your audience. You’ll be thankful you did.

7. Hootsuite

If you are one of those businesses on all social media platforms and need help updating and keeping track of everything, Hootsuite can help. Hootsuite is an all-in-one social management tool to help manage your social networks, schedule messages, engage your audiences, and measure ROI – all from within your dashboard. Check out this list of 16 tools every social media manager should use.

8. Your Website

If you are selling courses online through an LMS, chances are you already have a website. If not, you should make this your number one priority. There are a number of different web and domain providers; GoDaddy is a great one for beginners and small businesses. You can use your website to promote your company, courses, and services. You can also have a blog and reach out to readers by providing valuable content on a regular basis.

There you go, 8 eCommerce marketing tools to increase your course sales. Did we miss any? Please share with us in the comments below!

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