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8 Benefits of Gamification in eLearning

by | Jul 3, 2014 | Tips & Tricks

DigitalChalk: 8 Benefits of Gamification in eLearning

Gamification in eLearning is the use of game theory and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage and motivate your users. Gamification is growing in popularity and can produce measurable results, if used properly. Incorporating elements from games into the classroom is a great way to provide students with opportunities to act freely, show competency, and work together. There are many different benefits of using gamification within your eLearning courses and we’ve listed out a few below.

  1. Provides instant feedback. One great example is if you are using a basic gaming component such as a leaderboard after a quiz or assignment, the user immediately knows where they stand among their peers.
  2. Builds engagement. If you are using a reward system, such as badges or points, you can allow your students and users to use those badges and points for real benefits.
  3. More student loyalty. Gamification increases the chance of the student returning to your course on a regular basis, or with great frequency, because it is more enjoyable.
  4. Boosts productivity. By implementing a gaming reward system (badges, points, etc.) based on specific activities within your eLearning course, students are encouraged to accomplish those tasks in your desired order.
  5. More influence. Gamification gives you more influence over your students’ actions. For example, on a badge or point system, you can easily influence students to complete their homework or take a quiz on time.
  6. Increases learning retention. Students are able to better learn and retain the content when they relate to it differently than just reading or watching a lecture.
  7. More time spent. Simply put, your students are likely to spend more time on your eLearning course if it is more enjoyable, engaging, and fun.
  8. It’s fun. One of the biggest benefits of gamification is that it is fun. Having a non-traditional learning experience with leaderboards, badges, points, and rewards is a major plus in your students’ eyes and makes it more enjoyable to everyone.

These are just a few of the many benefits of why gamification is great for your online classroom. If you still aren’t sure exactly what gamification is, we’ve created a brief overview for you.

Stay tuned for a few tips on how to implement gamification in your online course!

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