The learning curve blog

Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs

Tips & Tricks Articles

Top eLearning Trends for 2016

Top eLearning Trends for 2016

Experts predict that the market of eLearning in the US can reach $27.1 billion by 2016. With eLearing expanding so rapidly, no one considers it surprising when new trends of this niche appear, and...

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Stop Boring Learners

Stop Boring Learners

3 Fresh Ideas to Help You Create Innovative Digital Learning Traditional design approaches can be boring. Bored learners are unmotivated. Why not use some modern technologies to enhance the learning...

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How to Use A User Worklist

How to Use A User Worklist

Want to learn more about how to use worklist? Follow along and we’ll show you the different ways that you can use one in your organization. A worklist allows you to add multiple users to a list...

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