The learning curve blog

Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs

Tips & Tricks Articles

eLearning Design Do’s

eLearning Design Do’s

How an e-learning course is designed is an important factor in how well the student pays attention and retains the information. Keeping your content simple and uncluttered is key to allowing your...

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How To Preview Your Course

DigitalChalk has created an easy process for you to preview your courses just as a student would see them, without the hassle of having to register yourself for the course. [video type="vimeo"...

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10 Free (Awesome!) Fonts

10 Free (Awesome!) Fonts

Sometimes you may want to spice up your online courses with some fun fonts, and with these, you’ll have no problem doing it! Here are 10 way-cool FREE fonts to finally grasp your student's...

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How To Use Login Rules

Did you know that DigitalChalk has created login rules to help you to create an easier registration process for yourself and your students? Login rules make the...

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Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic learning is the last of the three learning styles we have been talking about. This type of learning tends to be more difficult to incorporate into an online course. There are, however,...

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Visual Learning

Visual Learning

It’s time to now talk about the visual learning style and what can be done to create course content that will best suit people who are visual learners.  We lightly touched on the subject in our...

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