Many people attempt to do their own email marketing, often making mistakes that in turn, do not get the message across to potential customers. One common mistake in an email campaign is incorrectly...
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Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs
Marketing Articles
Easy, Go-To Tips for Increasing CTR via Headlines
How Headlines Can Increase Your CTR A headline is your number one tool for reaching out to an audience and bypassers. The goal is to have as many of your audience read through an article and on to...
How to Generate Leads for Your Business Using LinkedIn
Now that you know why you should be using LinkedIn for business, let’s take a moment to talk about how you should be using it in order to generate income. LinkedIn is a great platform to use to help...
Show Me Your Brand ID
If your brand ID were to appear just like your drivers license, exactly what would it say? Aside from your picture, what information would it include about you? And would your prospective customers...
Online Marketing Tools For the Beginner
We’ve been talking a lot about building an online marketing strategy and how to do it; however, we have not touched on tools that are out there to help you succeed. There is a myriad of tools to...
Sales Funnel For The Beginning Online Marketer
It's time to chat about sales funnels, and first, we should be clear on what a sales funnel is and why you need one. The sole purpose of a sales funnel is to drive customers to make a buying...
Video Marketing Tips For The Beginner
You may be seasoned in your profession, but new to digital and social media marketing - and of course by now, you’ve heard that video is all the rage. How does a newbie effectively use video...
Ghost Blogging: Say What You Need to Say Without Having to Do All the Work
So what is ghost blogging? Ghost blogging is another term for ghostwriting. People in the music industry take advantage of this option, as well as those in marketing or anyone else in need of...
How to Humanize Your Brand With Social Video Marketing
So you want to advertise your online training business, but you don’t have a big budget. You still have a powerful tool right at your fingertips. That tool is social video. Most major...