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New! Create Survey Elements in DigitalChalk

by | Feb 21, 2017 | Announcements

We want to spread the news – you can now create survey elements in DigitalChalk! Before you could easily connect to an external survey site by using web archives (you still can), but now you can create your own surveys to collect data within your DigitalChalk account.

How do I create a survey?

Adding a survey is the same as any other element. Begin by:

    1. Going to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab
    1. From an existing course, click ‘Manage Course Elements’.
    1. Click ‘Add Survey’ from the left side menu, enter the survey details, and click the ‘Save’ button.
    1. Click ‘Edit survey’ from the element menu
      DigitalChalk: New! Create Survey Elements in DigitalChalk
    1. Click ‘Add question’ and you will see a set of question types to choose from. Click the desired question type and then click the ‘Save’ button for each question you add.
      DigitalChalk: New! Create Survey Elements in DigitalChalk
  1. Once you are done adding survey questions click the ‘Back’ button in the upper right-hand corner to go back to the course elements.

Helpful Hint: As you add new questions you will see 3 icons in the right-hand corner of each question. The gear icon lets you edit the question, the 2 pages icon lets you duplicate the question and the trash can is to delete the question.

What are the survey question types I can choose from?

There are 5 different question types that you can include in any survey that you create.

  • Free Form
  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False
  • Rating
  • Opinion

How do I review the data from submitted surveys?

Go to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab, select ‘Manage Course Elements’ and click on the survey element title. Next, click on ‘Reports”.  A view-only report with survey summary data is displayed.  If you need more detailed information, you can download additional reports.

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