You are probably aware that you can edit a user’s information as an administrator easily, but did you know that the user can also edit their own information on their end?
The user can update any information that they entered in during the account creation process (this includes their name, email, address, and any custom fields that you may have created for your organization).
How does the user edit their own information?
It’s very simple. All the user will need to do is log in, look in the top right corner of the screen and they will see an ‘Account’ tab.
When they click on it they will see 2 tabs, the ‘Details’ and ‘More Info’ tabs. The ‘Details’ tab will have the default information that all users are required to enter in when creating an account (name and email). Users will also be able to change their password under this tab as well. The ‘More Info’ tab is where the user will edit any custom fields that you have added to your organization.
After any updates have been they will need to click the ‘Save’ button in the bottom right corner.
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