The learning curve blog

Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs

Back to Basics: Mass Edit Categories

by | Apr 11, 2016 | Tips & Tricks

We previously walked through how you can edit multiple course offerings at once, today we are going to cover how to mass edit categories if you have any created.

To edit multiple categories at once you will want:

    1. Go to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab.
    1. Select ‘Categories’ from the left side menu.
    1. Check the box to the left of the category title.
    1. Click the ‘Edit’ button that appears after checking one or more of the categories.
  1. Edit the name, description and color and click the ‘Save’ button. If you do not want to edit a certain section you do not have to, you can leave it blank.DigitalChalk: Back to Basics - Mass Edit Categories

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