With the continuing advances of technology, distance learning is becoming more and more accessible to almost everyone. With this, distance learning is becoming a popular choice because of the ease it offers to online learners.
First and foremost…
There is a plethora of online schools for you to choose from. This allows you to pick the online school that is best suited to your needs and wants, as well as what you deem as the school that offers the best online courses.
With distance learning it is a given that there will be minimal to no commuting. I say minimal commuting because there are some schools that require you to come in to a classroom one to a few times a week/month. This is where having such a large number of online schools to choose from comes in handy . If commuting doesn’t work for your schedule, you can choose another online school to do your distance learning that doesn’t require any commuting.
The majority of the time, distance learning allows you have more flexible hours to take the course. Often times, distance learning courses will set an end date by which you must complete the course, allowing you to complete the course at your own pace. So, if you work during the day you can come home and work on the course that night or vice versa.
Distance learning does have disadvantages that can make the course difficult to take, but it also depends on what type of learner you are. People who do better with interaction between the teacher and yourself may struggle with distance learning. Also, since online courses allow you to be so flexible, you must be self-motivating to stay on top of your course work.