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Project Management Platforms eLearning Professionals Should Know About

by | Mar 3, 2016 | eLearning Tools

project-management-platforms-for-elearning-professionalsFor eLearning professionals seeking to use cost-effective tools, the Internet is rife with free platforms that allow the user to collaborate for any eLearning-related project or eLearning company. It’s also important for organizations to mix collaborative and project management tools with eLearning programs so the user can easily navigate and troubleshoot the system and thus, increase engagement with the program.

For those wishing to utilize project management tools at no monthly cost, below are seven tools to help with project management and collaboration.

Trello – by Fog Creek Software

Created by Fog Creek Software in 2011, Trello is a web-based system designed for team coordination. There is no software to download. Based on a Kanban paradigm, it is exceedingly simple and was designed to be applicable for any industry. The interface is based around a board that is completely visual. After assigning tasks to your co-workers and establishing goals, you can use cards to provide specific tasks to your teammates. Trello also has features created with businesses in mind, and allows you to set organizations and permissions. It also updates in real time, and is compatible with iOS.

Podio – by Citrix

Likened to Facebook and other social networks, Podio utilizes a familiar networking interface with businesses and project management in mind. Each user has their own account. Like with social networks, you can communicate with other users through a chat interface and look up a person’s specific role in the company. You can assign tasks to other users with deadlines and other requirements. A powerful tool with an interface that is inherently familiar to any social internet browser. This tool is great for integrating cross-functional teams that have tasks that overlap.

Asana – by Asana

Asana is another reputable solution designed with business collaboration and communication in mind. You can create projects and tasks, and then proceed to make all the appropriate assignments for your team. Comments, sharing tools, and following options all allow for cohesive communication. Notes and task descriptions can be uploaded to your tasks. There is also a feature that allows you to search and organize your projects, which is very useful for an eLearning company. There are priority options for your tasks that allow you to organize a workflow, as well as progress updates that are integrated with the main interface. One of the greatest features of this tool is the ease it brings to team collaboration. Employee engagement becomes a problem of the past for Human Resources with the many features of Asana.

Evernote – by Evernote Corporation

Evernote is a popular application that is far more than just a note taker. It has powerful search features that make it an intensely useful bookmark/webclip tool, with your clips and notes searchable across all of your devices. It has a web clipper extension that helps you organize and take notes on bookmarks pertinent to your web project. It also has superior organization options when compared to a browser due to its notebook feature. You can tag your bookmarks, allowing you to set notes to a specific project or task that can easily be searched. Evernote manages to be a very good app for research-heavy positions, and can be utilized for far more than just project management.

MeisterTask – by MeisterLabs

Another web-based collaborative tool, MeisterTask is an intuitive system that boasts a highly visual column-based interface that you can customize. You can organize projects and work groups into specific columns that can contain notes, tasks, and establish team assignments. The visual interface allows you to skim through who is assigned to which task by reacting to your hovering mouse. It also boasts a panel that as an activity list, giving you detailed updates on who has completed their tasks, what is being worked on, uploads, and other pertinent information. With thorough organization tools and its ease of use, it is a highly functional system.

GanttProject – by The GanttProject Team

Any team seeking a versatile tool that exports in HTML, PDF, and other essential formats should consider GanttProject. In the interface you can find all of the essential features such as a calendar and interactive charts. You can set roles and establish a hierarchy, as well as coordinate scheduling and produce custom labels. The interface is primarily reminiscent of spreadsheet applications that provide features for resource management and other tasks.

Google Drive – by Google

Likely a tool that is already known and used by the majority of Gmail users, Google Drive is powerful and versatile. It has all the elements of a fully functional project management tool due to its broad integration with Windows programs and applications. It provides effective Powerpoint and document-creating features, intertwined with Google’s famous email service, a chat function that incorporates video communication, and a storage service for file sharing and uploading essential documents and files. It is a well-known service that is used by individuals in fields well beyond project management.

Written by: Malcolm Rowlings

Malcolm Rowlings spends his time elevating businesses through independent consultant work, with core focuses around; bigger ideas, bottom-lines and better business. When Malcolm isn’t writing, or meeting with a board, he’s gearing for the eventual ultra marathon he’s been planning for years.

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