The learning curve blog

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Does Your LMS Give You Time to Innovate?

by | Jun 10, 2020 | eLearning Tools

When you think of learning management software, the word “innovative” may not come to mind. So you may see our recent recognition from Software Reviews, which ranked DigitalChalk as the top LMS for Strategy and Innovation, and wondered how an LMS platform could possibly be an innovative tool.

It can be summed up in one word: time

Managing workplace learning programs can be incredibly time-consuming. All that time spent completing basic admin tasks and performing data entry can leave little time for corporate learning teams to experiment with innovative course content and approaches to employee development.

By listening to our customers and adapting our LMS platform to their needs, the DigitalChalk platform has substantially reduced the time it takes for learning and development professionals to complete basic admin tasks – creating time and space for L&D professionals to become more innovative.

“Innovation isn’t just about rolling out cutting-edge features. It’s also about making it easier and faster for learning and development pros to do their job.”

 – Russ Stinehour, President, DigitalChalk

For instance, one of our clients utilizes DigitalChalk to deliver workplace learning and training to thousands of employees. When they shared that their learning and development team was spending an inordinate amount of time creating course registrations manually, we saw the opportunity to help. 

Our IT team developed a new, custom solution. One which allowed the client’s team to assign people to courses automatically – simply by importing a CSV. Of course, the client was thrilled to have a custom solution, but we knew something this good needed to be shared. After all, they couldn’t be the only learning and development team doing manual course registrations. So, we rolled out the feature to all DigitalChalk users – at no additional fee.

The success of this one small innovation – and the hours we were able to give back to the client’s team got us thinking. What else are HR and L&D teams doing manually that we could simplify? 

It turned out course registration wasn’t the only data entry our users were engaging in. Assigning grades for course work was another. So our IT team went back into dev mode and rolled out another update to our LMS. The DigitalChalk platform now allows course administrators to upload a spreadsheet and assign grades to multiple users – automatically.

At DigitalChalk, we believe that the platform innovations that truly matter are features that simplify workflow, create efficiencies, and give learning and development professionals back the one thing that they never have enough of – time!

If you’re a DigitalChalk admin, let us know what features you would appreciate on Twitter @DigitalChalk. Our team can’t wait to hear how we can make your job just a little easier!

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